Cafe Witness

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm Going Hollywood (Briefly)

Fans of pulp films and social media, check this out: I'll be moderating the talkback portion of tonight's discussion at Pittsburgh Filmmakers featuring Brett Leonard, director of genre favorites The Lawnmower Man and Virtuosity. Leonard is in town to chat about the future of social media and discuss plans for his own upcoming web series, which marks another merge point between Hollywood and the wild west of the web. Should be an interesting time.

If you're in Pittsburgh, stop down to Filmmakers (477 Melwood Avenue in Oakland, 15213) at 7:30 PM tonight. Free food + drink, plus a chance to chat with a talented and eloquent director in the cozy Melwood Screening Room.

(If you have questions for Mr. Leonard but can't be here personally, drop them in the comments section and I'll do my best to pass them along.)

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  • For Brett, "What is all the jobs that a Director has to deal with? What falls under his umbrella?"

    can't make it tonight, wish i knew sooner, pre-production class is taking a lot of time

    By Blogger Philip Crow, at 5:17 PM  

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